You’re here, reading this, because deep down, you know something isn’t right. You’ve been feeling this way for a while—trapped in a relentless cycle that leaves you drained, scared, and increasingly disconnected from who you once were, or perhaps, who you’ve always longed to be. Maybe you have already been diagnosed with anorexia or another eating disorder, although formal diagnosis is not necessary to start recovery.

You’re not alone.

Your days start and end with thoughts that gnaw at your mind—food, weight, guilt, shame. Your body feels like an enemy. You constantly judge, compare, and criticise, never finding it good enough. Food has become an endless battleground, where each bite is fraught with anxiety and a desperate need for control. Sometimes, it’s the only way you feel anything at all.
These struggles may be hidden from others, but they are always with you. You find yourself withdrawing, cancelling plans because the idea of eating in front of others is overwhelming. Maybe you push your body to its limits, exercising relentlessly as if punishing yourself will somehow make you ‘good enough.’

The numbers—on the scale, in your calorie tracker, on the tags of your clothes—are your constant companions, chaining you to a never-ending loop of fear, shame, and self-criticism.

Remember, recovery is a gradual process, and setbacks may occur. Be kind and patient with yourself, and don’t hesitate to reach out for support when needed.
I am here to support you with my weekly podcast, my Daily Love emails and my gold standard 1:1 coaching in which you have me keeping you on track to fully recover.

You give so much of yourself to others, treating them with kindness, compassion, and understanding. Yet when it comes to yourself, the voice inside is merciless. You wouldn’t dream of speaking to someone else the way you speak to yourself. Why is it so hard to extend that same compassion inward?

The truth is, you’re exhausted. Physically drained, mentally worn down. But the idea of letting go? That feels terrifying. What if you lose control completely? What if you gain weight? What if people see the ‘real’ you, and they don’t like what they see?

You compare yourself to others, always falling short in your own eyes. Their lives seem so much more put together, their bodies so much more acceptable, their happiness so much more attainable. And you’re left feeling isolated, unworthy, and somehow always less than.

But you are not alone. And you are not beyond help.

You may believe that you have to face this on your own—that asking for help is a sign of weakness, or that you’re not “sick enough” to deserve support. But none of that is true.
Recovery from anorexia isn’t just for those at their lowest point; it’s for anyone who feels trapped in this cycle and wants to break free. It’s for you, whether you’ve been struggling for years or are just beginning to see the signs. You deserve a life where food is just food, where your body is a source of strength and peace rather than pain.

This journey is about more than just recovery; it’s about rediscovering yourself—the you that deserves love, compassion, and joy. It’s about learning to treat yourself with the same kindness you so freely give to others. You are worthy of the love you long for. You are worthy of the life you dream of. And you deserve to live in a body that you treat with respect, not comparison or criticism.

You’ve already taken the first step by being here. Now, let’s take the next step together.
You don’t have to do this alone. I’m here to guide you, to listen, and to help you reclaim your life from the fears, symptoms, and behaviours that have held you captive for too long. Together, we can break the cycle. Together, we can find freedom.

Anorexia is the most well known of all eating disorders.

How many of these can you relate to?