Recover From Exercise Addiction

Am I addicted to exercise?

Exercise addiction, also known as compulsive exercise or exercise dependence, is a condition in which a person becomes excessively preoccupied with exercise and experiences negative consequences as a result.
How many of these can you relate to?

How do I change my exercise addiction?

Exercise addiction is frequently, but not always, linked to an eating disorder or body image issue.

For me, I used exercise to burn calories, but the results were never enough for my ED voice, which kept telling me to keep training, keep training and one day I’ll be enough.

I learned how to re-program my thoughts and recognise what I was actually doing to my body and how I was breaking down my own body as a result.

As your coach, I now use the same processes, in conjuction with treating the underlying reasons for your thoughts, to help you become well again and change your relationship with exercise permanently.

How long does recovery take?

There is no set timeline. Everyone is different.  The key is to take the 1st step, then another and another until you find that life is different and you can live a normal life again.