About Me!


Thanks for being here.

My name is Julia Trehane. I'm an eating disorder recovery and self love coach, spiritual and transformational life coach, podcast host and former mental health nurse.

I have recovered from living in anorexia, orthorexia and exercise addiction for 40 years and when I finally became free from the E.D prison and started to experience truly living and loving myself, the  difference in my life was so profound it inspired me to help others find the freedom and self love that lights up my life.

Through continually investing in myself to learn and grow, I have developed  the coaching skills, alongside my own lived experience of eating  disorders, exercise addiction and eating disorder recovery, plus my naturally loving, patient and compassionate nature to support and empower you to break free from your own E.D prison and  start to truly live in  freedom  and love the incredible person you become as you step into your future self.

Eating disorder recovery can be hard but I'm here to support you to find the new you

From a very young age I began restricting my food in an attempt to feel a sense of safety and control in a world I was too young to understand.
This developed into anorexia, which morphed into orthorexia and exercise addiction in my 20s and I then existed in a tightly controlled world of numbers, calories, steps and people pleasing to meet my own needs of feeling worthy, for an incredibly long time.

After the death of a parent and a flood of emotions that I quite simply didn't know how to handle, I plunged deeply back into anorexia in an effort to control the rising tide of feelings and push them away.

As I got sicker and sicker, it slowly dawned on me that the control I thought I had, actually had control of me and I had no idea how to get it back.

I had reached ROCK BOTTOM!

It was RECOVER OR DIE for me!

After trying a couple of different therapists and a coach, I finally found someone who  could truly help me not only face my fears and recover, but  also to unpick my  childhood conditioning, create a new story and learn to deeply love who I am.

This transformation was so incrdedible and my life so different , that it inspired me to turn my pain into my passion and become a  coach to guide, support and empower others to take their own journeys  and find a beautiful future.

I'd love for you to allow me to help YOU! If you'd like to explore what that journey might look like, please reach out for a chat.

Copyright © 2023 Julia Trehane